Flynn’s Cove Cabins Nootka Island, BC
Private Resort for Sale
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Infrastructure Systems, Utilities, Roads & Dock
This system consists of the following components and provides an excellent quality of water:
The dug well has 15 feet of concrete rings and is surrounded by approximately 100 yards of a sand and gravel combination to create a complete natural filtration for any surface water entering the well.
A 120’ black plastic poly line runs on a gravity syphon to the main water tank. A solar panel, charge controller, battery and 12 Volt water pump restarts the syphon when required.
The Main Water Tank is a 2500g black plastic tank specifically designed for water storage sitting on an 8’x8’ solid slab of cement. From the main tank there is 2800’ of 100psi line going down to the ‘pump house’. (800’ of 1 ½”, 1000’ of 1 ¼”then another 1000’ of 1”)
The 165²’ Pump House holds the Plumbing control center. A pressure reducing valve creates ‘normal’ water pressure for the main house and all the rental cabins. Also plumbed in are a bladder tank and a jet pump. The water lines also lead to an ‘emergency’ 2500g water tank inside this building.
In addition we have our ‘Tank Farm’. This 340²’ building located near the well holds four 2500g black water tanks. These are filled from the well during the spring rainy season and are used to augment the well supply during the heat of summer if needed.
SYSTEMS: Electrical
The Electrical system is a combination of Solar, Water Wheel and Generator. We have the full Technical Safety BC permit issued for all these systems, one of the very few issued in the area.
Within the first year (2012) of installing the main solar panel array (12 panels) we realized their value. We went from a $5000/yr diesel bill to a $500yr!
There are three arrays, each built on cement based support systems. The main set of 12 panels faces ‘solar south’. Then an “evening” set of 6 was installed to address the supper time rush of everyone’s oven being turned on and everyone coming home and wanting to clean their fish (using the wash down pump at the dock). Then we added an ‘afternoon” set to address a lag between the main panels losing their strength but the sun not quite hitting the evening panels yet. Together these panels have been fabulous. They are all wired using tech cable between them and the electrical room.
In addition to the main Solar arrays there are four independent solar power systems, each with a panel, a charge controller and a 12V battery.
The Well House system provides power for a pump to restart the syphon to the tanks when needed.
The tank farm’s system provides power for a pump to restart the syphon as well as lights
The greenhouse system provides running water from the roof-catchment water into the hose of the greenhouse.
The Lake solar charges the battery for the electric boat motor.
Pelton Wheel:
This system starts at a dam/roadway where excess rain water from an intermittent stream is funneled into 300’ of 12” black plastic water pipe and runs from the dam to the water wheel building. The pipe is anchored and cemented into the rock base to secure it and is diverted into two lines to enter the 16²’ water wheel house.
From the water wheel the tech cable runs about 250 metres to the electrical room in the metal shed.
The generator is a16Kw Kubota diesel. It is located in the metal shed in its own vented room, next to the electrical room. It has a ‘start/stop’ option with a controller and voltage meter inside the house for ease of use.
This is a 48 V system. There are four banks of eight six volt batteries inside a vented battery shed at the back of the metal shed. It is wired into the electrical room.
The entire set of systems is run through a Schneider 6KW inverter. The batteries are charged through solar, water and generator (when needed) and put out 220V to the house, rental cabins, metal shed, garage and dock. There is one full spare inverter.
The main house and each cabin are plumbed with a septic tanks and septic chamber fields.
SYSTEMS: Communication
VHF radio is located in the main house and mounted on a 20’ radio tower with an excellent antenna. This tower is built with a reinforced cement pad base. We have often acted as a contact for emergencies and for contact between groups that cannot reach each other.
TELUS is also mounted on the same radio tower and is ‘line of sight’ to Leading Hill where Telus has a tower connection. This is one of the few ‘normal’ telephone systems in the area.
INTERNET Presently we have a Starlink connection that seems to be excellent. We have had Xplornet and are still set up to re-activate that system if required.
SHAW TV is connected to the main house and Cabins 1 and 2
The main road goes from the top of the dock, around the back of the cove and up to the lake. Spur roads lead to the cabins, the cove, the lure house and over to our neighbour’s property. Additional spurs, mostly overgrown, lead to various viewpoints. There is about a mile of active roadways.
There are a few trails cut through the bush, one to the Back Bay, along the east border and along our water line as well as a viewpoint and a trail from the lake to Pt. Langford.
Dock and Floats
The main dock is 12 x 128’ decked in full 2” cedar. There is a 40’x 4’ metal ramp and a 20’x6’ apron giving direct access to the road system
The dock is moored on a ‘floating line’ anchor system using a 3” Sampson Braid submarine rope as well as a ¾” chain and cable yoked to the shore and tied to a large rock. There are several lateral anchors.
On the dock is a cedar and fibreglass fish cleaning station with a salt water wash down pump and hose.
At the lake there is a natural rough cut log ‘dock’ from shore and a small (12x12’) anchored swim float.
Dock at the Lake
In the cove there is an anchoring buoy with a couple of 500 lb anchors securing it.